Altadena Town Council Meeting: April 21, 2020

Government Activities
ALTADENA TOWN COUNCIL Agenda April 21, 2020 7:00 p.m. Altadena, California 91001 Recorded Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Introduction Billy Malone 1.2 Roll Call Veronica Jones 1.3 Approve April 21, 2020 meeting Agenda Pat Sutherlen 2. OFFICERS’ REPORTS 2.1 Chairman Billy Malone 2.2 Vice Chairman Pat Sutherlen 2.3 Recording Secretary Veronica Jones 2.3.1 Approve February 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes 2.4 Treasurer Jennifer Lee 2.5 Corresponding Secretary Dorothy Wong 3. PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS 3.1 California Highway Patrol Officer Cooper 3.2 Altadena Sheriff’s Station Captain Marjory Jacobs 3.3 Altadena Fire Maria Grycan 3.4 CERT Deb Halberstadt 4. ALTADENA COMMUNITY REPORTS 4.1 Chamber of Commerce Doug Colliflower 4.2 Altadena Library Nikki Winslow, Director 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS 5.1 Land Use Committee Diane Marcussen 5.2 Election Committee Veronica Jones 5.3 Film Committee Pat Sutherlen 5.4 Safe Streets Dorothy Wong 5.5 Education Committee Jennifer Lee 6 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT 7. OPEN DISCUSSION WITH COUNCIL MEMBERS To discuss relevant topics associated with COVID-19 that currently affect our community 8. ADJOURNMENT

Altadena Town Council Meeting: April 21, 2020

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