In order to facilitate public participation at meetings held solely by electronic means, PCAC will accept public comment in the following manner:
Members of the public may submit correspondence of any length prior to the start of the meeting, at the following email address: publiccomment[At]pasadenamedia[Dot]org
During the meeting, members of the public may provide live public comment by submitting a speaker card using the form below prior to the start of public comment on that item. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes each, and the Board of Directors may limit this time if reasonable under the circumstances. After submitting a public speaker card, join the virtual meeting after the published start time with a computer, other electronic device, or by telephone. The same name or telephone number on the Speaker Card must be used for the virtual meeting in order to locate and unmute the speaker. Your call may be recorded as part of the meeting. By staying on the line and making public comment during the meeting, you are agreeing to have your call recorded.