Pasadena City College Board of Trustees Meeting: July 17, 2019

Pasadena City College Board of Trustees
Educational Activities
Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Regular Business Meeting No. 1 and Annual Organizational Meeting Board of Trustees Pasadena Area Community College District 5:00 p.m. Closed Session 7:00 p.m. Open Session Pasadena City College Creveling Lounge 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106 A. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL AND PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS (5:00 pm) B. CLOSED SESSION 1. Government Code § 54957: Public Employee Appointment [Dean, Visual Arts and Media Studies; Interim Director, Career Center; Assistant Director, Enterprise Application Services; Program Manager, Work Based Learning; Assistant Director, Financial Aid; Supervisor, Student Business Services. Instructor: Music Lab/Commercial Music] 2. Government Code § 54957: Evaluation of Employee (Superintendent-President) C. OPEN SESSION (7:00 pm) 1. ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONVENE ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 4. ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE - STUDENT TRUSTEE 6. APPOINTMENTS TO FACILITIES MASTER PLAN SUBCOMMITTEE 7. CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURES 8. ADJOURN ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 9. CONVENE REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING No. 1 10. APPROVAL/REORDERING OF AGENDA ITEMS 11. INTRODUCTIONS AND RECOGNITIONS 12. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS 13. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Business Meeting No. 17, June 19, 2019 D. CONSENT ITEMS - STUDENTS (S) 1. APPROVAL OF 'S' CONSENT ITEMS 2. Approve Professional Learning Activities for 2019-2020 for Tile V: Pathways to Completion 3. Approve Professional Development Activities for Title III: STEM GPS 4. Approve Professional Development Activities for Academic Support: Pathways 5. Approve/Ratify Professional Learning Activities for 2019-2020 Student Equity and Achievement Program at PCC 6. Approve Associated Students Executive Board Travel 7. Approve/Ratify EOP&S/CARE and Foster Youth Program Retreat E. CONSENT ITEMS - INSTRUCTION (I) 1. APPROVAL OF 'I' CONSENT ITEMS 2. Approve/Ratify Blanket Order for Visual Arts and Media Studies Division 3. Approve Professional Development Activities for Faculty, Staff and Managers 4. Approve Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Activities for Faculty, Staff and Managers 5. CIRM Bridges to Stem cell program and therapy trainee meeting 2019 6. Approve/Ratify Professional Learning Activities for CSULA STEM Educational Consortium 7. Approve/Ratify Professional Learning Activities for eCURe, NSF/ATE Grant 8. Approve Noncredit Division Highschool Graduation 9. Approve Community Advancement Outreach Activities 10. Approve Instructional Diversity Activities 11. Approve Noncredit Professional Development Activities for Faculty, Staff and Managers 12. Approve Noncredit Division/CAEP, Faculty Professional Development Activities 13. Approve Professional Development for Faculty 14. Approve Professional Development Activities for Faculty and Staff 15. Approve Professional Development Activities for Open Educational Resources Faculty Training F. CONSENT ITEMS - BUSINESS (B) 1. APPROVAL OF 'B' CONSENT ITEMS 2. Approve Organizations for Membership, 2019-2020 Fiscal Year 3. Notice of Completion for Beynon Sports Surfaces, Inc., Contract Number B190204 for "Synthetic Track Surfacing" 4. Notice of Completion for Asbestos Control Testing, Inc., Contract Number C190004 for "Lead and Asbestos Abatement for the E-Building Exterior Windows Replacement Project" 5. Approve/Ratify Purchasing Transactions 6. Approve/Ratify Information Technology Purchasing Transactions 7. Adoption of Resolution No. 608, Ratify Agreement Number CSPP-9242, for California State Preschool Program 8. Adoption of Resolution No. 609, Ratify Agreement Number CCTR-9112, for General Childcare and Development Programs 9. Authorize the Rejection and Re-solicitation of Proposals for Custodial/Janitorial Services at Pasadena City College Northwest RFP No. 19008 10. Amend Consent Item F.13, June 19, 2019 Board of Trustees - Authorize Award: Contract No. B200020 to Campus Consortium (Black Belt Help) For "24-7 Student Call Center Services" 11. Approve Piggybackable Contracts 12. Approve Change Order No. One (1) with R2BUILD dba R2B Engineering, Contract No. C190008 13. Authorization to Solicit Bids: R-Building 5th Floor Restroom Upgrade Project 14. Reporting and Approval of Self-Insurance Fund Reimbursement, Worker’s Compensation 15. Reporting and Approval of Revolving Fund Reimbursement 16. Approve Change Order No. Two (2) with J.R. Universal Construction, Inc., Contract No. C180014 17. Amend Consent Item F.11, December 12, 2018 Board of Trustees - Authorize Award:Contract No. C190006 to JR Universal Construction Inc., for formal Bid No. 1024 "Redesign of the Career and Completion Center" 18. Authorization to Destroy Records 19. Approve/Ratify Professional Conference Attendance 20. Approve/Ratify Contracts G. CONSENT ITEMS - PERSONNEL (P) 1. APPROVAL OF 'P' CONSENT ITEMS 2. Employment, Change of Status and Separations 3. Authorization to Reimburse Applicants 4. Salary Compensation Factors-Large Group Instruction 5. Approve/Ratify Additional Compensation for Academic Personnel 6. Approval of Request for Reduced Teaching Service With Full STRS Credit H. ACTION ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL 1. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY OF JAMES A. OSTERLING FOR ACCT (ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEES) NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE 2. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 611 DECLARING SALARIES INDEFINITE FOR 2019 - 2020 FISCAL YEAR 3. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 612 - IN SUPPORT OF AB 2, CALIFORNIA COLLEGE PROMISE 4. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 613 - IN SUPPORT OF AB 48, SCHOOL FACILITIES BONDS OF 2020 and 2022 5. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 614 - IN SUPPORT OF AB 1314, CAL GRANT REFORM ACT 6. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 615 - IN SUPPORT OF AB 1504, STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE 7. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION No. 616 - IN SUPPORT OF SB 173, CALFRESH WORKSTUDY ELIGIBILITY I. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. SUPERINTENDENT-PRESIDENT'S REPORT J. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY SHARED GOVERNANCE REPRESENTATIVES AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2. PROPOSED FUTURE BOARD BUSINESS MEETING DATES 3. PROPOSED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS K. ADJOURNMENT 1. ADJOURN MEETING

PCC Board of Trustees Meeting: July 17, 2019

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